Cannon's Snowshoe Hare BWO Emerger


A friend suggested that I give recipes for the flies I mention or show in Lone Angler Journal. That sounded like a good idea. Here’s the recipe for how I tie the Jim Cannon Snowshoe Hare BWO emerger that worked so well for me on the Frying Pan River last week (see yesterday’s Lone Angler post).

HOOK: TMC 2487 or similar hook, size 20 – 22.


ABDOMEN: Olive goose biot.

THORAX: Gray/Olive Superfine dubbing.

WING: Natural or light dun dyed Snowshoe Hare dubbing (take from the foot of the hare).

I like to tie the wing a little denser than some of my pals mainly because it helps me see the fly, but I also carry a few copies with a less dense wing for skinny, flat water. I dust the wing with a very small amount of desiccant powder before I make my first presentation.

This is one of those fly imitations that doesn’t look a lot like the natural when you’re holding it in hand, but on the water looks just like the real thing. It’s quick to tie, durable and considering its small size is easy to see on the water.